Dinosaur ~ Links


dinosaur dragon in mirror

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DID YOU KNOW:  The word ‘dinosaur’ was only made up in 1841, centuries after the Bible was written. ‘Dinosauria’ = deinos | ‘terrible, powerful, wondrous’ + sauros | ‘lizard or reptile’ in Greek. It was the name chosen by creationist, biologist and paleontologist, Richard Owen.

POP QUIZ:  So what were dinosaurs called before 1841? Answer.






I’ve been wanting to do a dinosaur theme for my sponsored children for a long time, but knew it would be a big one, so kept putting it off. This month I’ve finally done it. Phew! Here is the FREE Dinosaur article that I did for them; and there are some cool Dinosaur freebies to go with it, that are also available in French. And in this (very long!) post, there’s plenty of FREE Dinosaur colouring pages, puzzles, crafts, learn-to-draw, posters, cartoons, stationery and tons of information that fits right in with the Bible. There’s something here for everyone… boys, girls, older or younger. They will all be fascinated by this theme while learning about the magnificence of our Creator… enjoy!



  • Dinosaurs – the short (and Biblical) story
  • Dinosaurs in the Bible?
  • Scientific information
  • Colouring pages
  • Puzzles
  • Crafts | Activities
  • Learn to draw
  • Photo fun
  • Paper gifts – posters, bookmarks, etc
  • Creative ideas
  • Dinosaurs + humans?!
  • Dinosaurs alive today?!
  • Stationery
  • Dinosaur fun for your family





THINK SPOT :  The King James Bible uses the word dragon | dragons 35 times. This has special significance as the KJV was published in 1611 AD. Only 400 years ago, Bible translators were confident that their readers would know exactly what they were talking about:  real – and not mythical – creatures.


FREE Bible Poster; Revelation 22:13; I am Alpha and Omega; The Bible is the history book of the universe; free printable






Here’s the short story on dinosaurs as I understand it from the Bible, the history book of the universe. But don’t take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.

  • Formed | Fearless

1.  God made dinosaurs as part of His ‘very good’ creation. Water dinosaurs (plesiosaurs) and flying dinosaurs (pterosaurs) would have been created on day 5 of creation week along with all the other sea creatures and flying creatures. Land dinosaurs were created on day 6 of creation week along with all the other animals that live on land, and just before mankind.dinosaur eating green plant
2.  Man lived with dinosaurs until they became extinct.
3.  Big teeth or not, according to Genesis, all dinosaurs originally would have eaten plants.

  • Fallen

4.  After the Fall, as narrated in Genesis 3 when the deadly ‘sinpoison gene’ entered creation, death, decay and disease was the result. Sadly, this included man and creatures turning on each other.

  • Flood

5.  Two of every KIND (or family) of dinosaurs went onto Noah’s Ark, more than likely teenagers. Why teen? They would have been smaller, eaten less, made less mess… unless, of course, they were like some of the teenagers that we are familiar with. :) And they would also have been in top breeding condition for years to come once the Flood finished.
6.  The rest of the dinosaurs – along with ALL other humans and animals not on the ark – would have perished during Noah’s Flood. The humans were all invited. Only 8 people accepted that invitation. Eight! So what would we expect to see around today as evidence of a worldwide flood? How about lots of water laying around some place? Did you know that according to official figures, the earth today is covered by 75% water?! If you haven’t thought about how massive our oceans are before, you may be shocked. Plus, as Ken Ham succinctly puts it, we would expect to find ‘billions of dead things, laid down by water, all over the earth’. So what do we find? Billions of dead things, laid down by water, all over the earth. They are called fossils. And we find them even in the middle of deserts and on the top of Mount Everest. Water is the essential ingredient to make a fossil. And fossils show evidence of extremely rapid burial, another essential ingredient to preserve soft tissue before it decays or is scavenged, which is why we don’t see too many fossils forming today. Here’s a fossil of an extinct marine ichthyosaur giving birth. It was buried so rapidly, you can clearly see the tiny baby still partially in the birth canal.  :o
7.  The dinosaur family groups or KINDS came off the Ark with Noah, his family, and all the other animal kinds and bird kinds, ready to repopulate the earth.

DID YOU KNOW:  Representatives of ALL land animals and birds were on the Ark, but the dove and the raven are the only ones specifically named in the Bible as being on the Ark. Check it out and see for yourself.

  • Faded

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8.  Historical eyewitness evidence confirms that dinosaurs lived for centuries after the Flood. Ancient people groups all around the world have told stories of heroes who killed large reptiles. Stories, legends, drawings, descriptions, etchings, carvings, and sculptures of these creatures abound, some possibly exaggerated, but the most recent accounts originate from only a few hundred years ago. Many people knew them then as ‘dragons.’ A peasant farmer named Baptista is reported to have killed a small dinosaur / dragon near Bologna in Italy in 1572 AD while leading his cattle. And if you insert this phrase: ‘historical stories of dinosaurs or dragons’ into this creation search engine, you will find more. Here is another one from icr.org:

“St. George had to deal with a dragon. Alexander the Great’s army encountered a dragon. Marco Polo recorded dragon dealings. Flavius Philostratus provided this sober account in the third century A.D.: ‘The whole of India is girt with dragons of enormous size; for not only the marshes are full of them, but the mountains as well, and there is not a single ridge without one…’ Similar accounts have been handed down orally within North, Central, and South American Indian groups. The fact that so many different peoples told the same details authenticates their testimony.”

9.  Dinosaurs are considered to have become extinct since then, sadly, like too many other species we can think of. (Who remembers the dodo?) Back then, there were no 21st century zoo programs fighting valiantly to preserve these magnificent creatures from extinction. As dinosaur numbers started to fade, so did the memories of them ever being around.

  • Found | Fiction

11.  Fossils–which are simply bones turned into rock–of these ‘terrible lizards’ started to be rediscovered during the 1800s and given a new name… DINOSAUR.
12.  As dinosaurs/dragons are considered to be extinct today, our knowledge of what they looked like can only be a guess from examining the clues in the fossil record. That is why they are often depicted differently by different artists. Did you know that many dinosaur exhibits were built from only a few fragments of bone?! For this reason, some people wonder if the whole dinosaur thing may have been a fabrication of someone’s imagination. None of us were there, so we don’t know. However, the Creation Museum happens to have a complete dinosaur skeleton on display, nicknamed Ebenezer, claiming to be one of the best-preserved Allosaurus fragilis skulls ever discovered. Scroll down to read more about Ebenezer. Dinosaur digs are found all over the world. This dinosaur dig has a layer of mudstone one meter (3 feet) thick, stretches for 80 acres, and is filled with over one million dinosaur bones jumbled together.
13.  Scientists have speculated on dozens of different ‘reasons’ on the ‘mystery’ of why dinosaurs became extinct. These speculations include… (don’t laugh):  constipation, sunburn, cancer, volcanic activity, underground gas explosion, asteroid or comet impact, a series of comet impacts, air pollution, a global dust cloud and fire storm from a meteorite impact, and more recently, ‘they didn’t die – they just grew feathers and evolved into birds!’. Despite the fact that fossils are laid down by water and buried rapidly, a flood is strangely conspicuous by its absence!
14.  We do have the account of the one eyewitness who WAS there – God, the Creator – and that testimony is true and recorded for us in the Bible.
15.  There are many legends, rumours, sightings and stories from eyewitnesses that claim some dinosaurs may possibly still be alive and hidden today!  :o





         Cartoon courtesy: Richard Gunther (richardgunther.org)







elephant and hippo with tails like a cedar

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Job 40:15-24  Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eats grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moves his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God. He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not. He trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.

NOTE:  Does your Bible have a modern footnote, something about an elephant or hippo?! Really…?! With a tail like a cedar…? Hmmm, have you ever seen an elephant or a hippo with a tail like a cedar? Or maybe there is a better explanation. An extinct one. The Hebrew word תנין (tannin) likely refers to both land and sea serpents or dragons.

Job 41  Click to read another fantastic description in the Bible, also by the Creator Himself, this time a fire-breathing dragon / dinosaur!




Creation Museum - Taking back the dinosaurs

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Dinosaur ~ FREE article for kids  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) giving glory to God as Creator; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur Free Printable Article for Kids from a Biblical Perspective A4

Meet Ebenezer, the $1.5 Million Dollar Dinosaur  (answersingenesis) a dinosaur exhibit at the Creation Museum is housing a world-class allosaur skeleton… having one of the best-preserved Allosaurus fragilis skulls ever discovered… Ebenezer, valued in 2014 at one million dollars, is a 30-foot-long, 10-foot-high allosaur. The rare skeleton is in a stunning $500,000 exhibit, which will join an already-impressive array of dinosaur exhibits at the museum. You can find out more about Ebezener’s story here:  Ebenezer is finally here; Why was he named Ebenezer?; Ebenezer – a creationists’ best friend; A peek inside Ebenezer’s skull; Ebenezer’s Story; See Ebenezer in his exhibit at the Creation Museum. If you live anywhere near the area or are able to get there, you may like to take the family, take lots of pics with you having fun, then write to your sponsored child about your amazing day with the dinosaurs. They will love it!

Ebenezer, AIG new dinosaur exhibit

© creationmuseum.org

The short story on Dinosaurs for kids  (answersingenesis) We often hear that dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. But that’s not true. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us something totally different. It’s NOT a big mystery. Dinosaurs were created about 6,000 years ago on Day 6 with the other land animals AND with people. Yes, dinosaurs and humans lived together; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

The 7F’s of Dinosaur History for kids  (answersingenesis) Dinosaurs are fascinating animals, beloved by kids and adults alike. However, not everything we read about them is true. Their history can be quickly outlined by these 7F’s. They were: formed, fearless, fallen, flood, faded, found, and fiction; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Rex the T-rex  (answersingenesis) Hi! My name is Rex, and I am a dreaded Tyrannosaurus Rex! But don’t worry, I am actually friendly to kids, and I won’t eat you. Did you know T. rexes like me were not always so scary? Back in the Garden of Eden, all dinosaurs were friendly! Then after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, some of my relatives started eating meat, like I do. Here’s some Tyrannosaurus Rex facts.

Patty the Apatosaurus  (answersingenesis) Hello! My name is Patty, and I am an Apatosaurus, a species of long-necked dinosaur. My kind was created on Day Six of Creation Week—the same day as Adam and Eve. Here’s some Apatosaurus facts.

Grimwald the Dragon  (answersingenesis) Hi, kids! I’m Grimwald the Dragon. Some people say I’m not real, but there are legends about me all over the world! Those legends make me sound super cool—and sometimes scary! I mean, what would you think if someone told you they saw a huge reptile-like creature flying around, breathing fire, and hunting large prey? Now that’s not something you see every day, but it sounds an awful lot like a pterosaur or the fiery flying serpents the Bible mentions…

The Magnifying Glass – a story about dinosaurs for kids  (answersingenesis) Ethan, Alissa, and Parker were so excited, they didn’t realize that tracking a dinosaur might not be the safest thing to do.

Dinosaur – Q&A for kids  (answersingenesis) lots of fun information, and also answering real questions from children, from scientists who take the Bible seriously. Topics include:  Are Dragon legends true?  Many cultures have legends about dragons. Pictures of dragons appear on pottery, drawings, and other forms of art. People told stories about dinosaurs and created artwork depicting them… you have probably heard that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago and became extinct before people lived on the earth. This is not true. The Bible says that God created the earth around 6,000 years ago. He made land-dwelling dinosaurs on Day 6 of the Creation Week; Dinosaurs – lost and found; Does the Bible mention Dinosaurs?; Slaying the Dragon myth; When did Dinosaurs live?; Are Dinosaurs still alive today?; Where are the great beasts today?; Dinosaur soft tissue; Overview of Biblical History – Creation; and more; share a snippet with your child.

Dinosaur – Q&A  (answersingenesis) more information for older children from scientists who take the Bible seriously. Topics include: Dinosaurs and the Bible; Dinosaurs and Dragons; Dinosaurs – designed to be BIG; Fearless T-Rex; When did Dinosaurs live?; T.rex fossils; How did those huge dinosaurs fit on Noah’s Ark?; Dinosaur bones; Dinosaur extinction; Dinosaur footprintsDinosaurs and humans; Dragon legends; Types of Dinosaurs; Dragons – fact or fable?; Dragon legends from around the world; What really happened to the Dinosaurs?; Dinosaur fossils show evidence of Drowning; and more; share a snippet with your child.

Adventures in the world of Dinosaurs  (answersingenesis) Are you captivated by dinosaurs? Do you dream about becoming a paleontologist? Join a dinosaur enthusiast on his adventures as he explores and shares the remarkable world of dinosaurs. From dinosaur digs in Montana to life-size dinosaur models in Kentucky, you’ll learn all about these amazing reptiles and how they glorify their Creator.

Dinosaur – article for kids  (creation.com; pdf) 2-page illustrated article for kids showing the ‘formed, fallen, flooded, faded and found’ dinosaur strata eras, from scientists who take the Bible seriously; free printable

Dinosaur – devotional for kids  (answersingenesis) We don’t have a special magnifying glass that can take us back to see God’s creation in person. But we have something better—an account from God Himself!

Only 100 Dinosaurs on the Ark? Seriously?! Average size of a cow?  (icr.org) How many animals were there and how big was the Ark? Could they fit? When I explained that only about 600 species of dinosaurs had ever been named, that many species had been named from only a piece of one bone, that many of the species were probably of the same “kind”, that many dinosaurs were small, that God wouldn’t have brought the largest specimens to Noah, and that, in my opinion, there were probably only around 100 dinosaurs onboard the Ark, with an average size of a cow; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Dinosaur – Q&A  (creation.com) What happened to the dinosaurs? How did the animals fit on Noah’s Ark? Did dinosaurs really die out millions of years ago? Dinosaur blood cells – how could they survive millions of years? Dinosaurs and humans? Bird evolution? Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark? Dinosaur footprints; Stamping out the legends; Thunder Lizards; The Dinosaur that looks like a Dragon; Did Dinosaurs really rule the earth?; Was Behemoth a Dinosaur?; How did Dinosaurs become extinct?; Fossils – Q&A; and more; share a snippet with your child from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Buried while giving Birth  (creation.com) Have a look at this exquisitely preserved fossil of an extinct marine reptile, an ichthyosaur, giving birth to a live baby—the beak of the baby is still inside mother’s birth canal! There is no way the mother just lay on the ocean floor for thousands of years while being slowly covered by accumulating sediments. To be preserved so beautifully, it must have been buried and hardened very rapidly to avoid damage by scavengers or decay, as we see happen today when something dies.

Tracking Dinosaurs Down Under  (answersingenesis) The dinosaur tracks at Australia’s Lark Quarry, discovered in the 1960s, have been billed as the world’s only known example of a dinosaur stampede that was preserved as a fossil… a new and controversial interpretation suggests… the dinosaurs were strolling downstream on tippy-toes… God’s Word holds the clue to the real story. Surging waters during the early months of the global Flood would have brought ocean water and sand inland. Fleeing dinosaurs likely pressed their footprints into wet sediment… interspersed minerals cemented the grains, preserving the buried dinosaur prints. Meanwhile, the track makers were swept away in the Deluge; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Dinosaur Tracks can be found on every continent – videoarticle  (icr.org) short, punchy video less than 2 minutes; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

10,000 Dinosaurs  (isgenesishistory) When we arrived, we saw that a small tent had been set up and an area of land cleared out. There were about 6 people at this site, some digging in places and others doing prep work on bones they had taken out of the ground… Think about this for a moment. There is a layer of mudstone that is 1 meter (3 feet) thick and it stretches for 80-acres. That’s really shallow and really wide. But it’s filled with over a million bones. The big bones are at the bottom and the little bones are the top, having been “graded” through a gravity sorting process. In other words, something had to have killed all these dinosaurs at one time. Have a look at this real dinosaur dig and then organise your own!

What is it like to dig for dinosaur bones?  (icr.org) have a look at this real dinosaur dig and then organise your own! Scroll down to the craft section for ideas.

A dinosaur egg was only about the size of a football

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Tiny Pterosaur’s fossil egg  (creation.com) This fossil egg of a pterosaur (flying reptile) is only 2.08 inches (53 mm) long and 1.61 inches (41 mm) across. The pterosaur’s folded wings, tucked compactly inside the egg, give the tiny embryo a wingspan of 10½ inches (27 cm). Had it lived, scientists say that the embryo would have grown into a ‘medium-to-large pterosaur’ with a likely wingspan between 10–20 ft (3–6 metres).

Modern Animals and Plants are found buried WITH Dinosaurs – but this is HIDDEN from the public – article | video embedded below  (creation.com) Dr Carl Werner and his wife, Debbie, travelled over 100,000 miles (160,000 km) and took 60,000 photographs as they filmed the television series Evolution: The Grand Experiment… They focused on fossils found in dinosaur rock layers, and compared these fossils to modern animals and plants… “We found fossilized examples from every major invertebrate animal phylum living today including: arthropods (insects, crustaceans etc.), shellfish, echinoderms (starfish, crinoids, brittle stars, etc.), corals, sponges, and segmented worms (earthworms, marine worms). The vertebrates—animals with backbones such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals—show this same pattern. Cartilaginous fish (sharks and rays), boney fish (such as sturgeon, paddlefish, salmon, herring, flounder and bowfin) and jawless fish (hagfish and lamprey) have been found in the dinosaur layers and they look the same as modern forms. Modern-looking frogs and salamanders have been found in dinosaur dig sites. All of today’s reptile groups have been found in the dinosaur layers and they look the same or similar to modern forms: Snakes (boa constrictor), lizards (ground lizards and gliding lizards), turtles (box turtles, soft-shelled turtles), and crocodilians (alligators, crocodiles and gavials). Contrary to popular belief, modern types of birds have been found, including: parrots, owls, penguins, ducks, loons, albatross, cormorants, sandpipers, avocets, etc. When scientists who support evolution disclosed this information during our TV interviews, it appears that they could hardly believe what they were saying on camera… Paleontologists have found 432 mammal species in the dinosaur layers; almost as many as the number of dinosaur species. These include nearly 100 complete mammal skeletons. But where are these fossils? We visited 60 museums but did not see a single, complete mammal skeleton from the dinosaur layers displayed at any of these museums…”



Modern creatures ARE found in Dinosaur Fossil layers – but this is HIDDEN from the public (evolutionvscreation; video) Have natural history museums become irrelevant? How did their displays become so outdated and archaic that they are now misleading the public? Have museum curators consciously withheld certain fossils from their public displays, fossils that place the theory of evolution in jeopardy? And WHY would they do that? A longer interview with Dr. Carl Werner about his astounding discovery.


Dinosaurs and Dragons  (creationmuseum; scroll down) What if dinosaurs didn’t live more than 65 million years ago, and dragons weren’t just fiery fictional creatures found only in fairy tales? Get ready to challenge your preconceptions, and learn what the Bible has to teach us about the existence of dinosaurs and dragons; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

How to build | sculpt a Dinosaur  (answersingenesis) for a museum display; a peek behind the scenes at the state-of-the-art Creation Museum designed to bring the Bible to life and restore the authority of God’s Word.

Sea Monsters – more than a legend?  (creation.com) Reports of unknown monsters of the deep have been a part of sea lore for hundreds of years, but very little attention has been paid to such tales until recent years. With more and improved scientific methods of investigation, there is growing evidence that they are more than just a product of early sailors’ imaginations… The puzzle is solved, however, when the millions of years are seen as fiction, and the fossils are seen largely as the result of the global Flood described in the Bible. Although many creatures have become extinct in the thousands of years since the Flood, it is far less surprising for creationists than evolutionists when some of them, known only from the fossil record, turn up alive and well.

Bunyips – Dinosaurs in Australia?  (creation.com) In 1845, people in the south of Australia discovered a large, odd bone. It was part of the knee of a gigantic animal, and unfossilized. A local Aboriginal man saw the bone and said it was a ‘bunyip.’ The settlers thought he just meant a mythical monster, but he insisted the animal was real. Other Aboriginal people also said it was a ‘bunyip.’ They said they had seen the animal, and named people it had killed… Next time someone tells you about the time of the dinosaurs, remember our ‘time machine’, the Bible. God made dinosaurs on the same day He made Adam and Eve and every other land animal; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Bunyips and Dinosaurs  (creation.com) Australian Aborigines have long spoken of a frightening legendary creature they call a bunyip. They say the huge creature inhabits reedy swamps and creeks in parts of Australia. Its howl at night, and the stories of its abducting people and killing animals, have been enough to strike terror. In the early days of settlement in Geelong, Victoria (Australia) in the mid-1800s, reports of the alleged discovery of bunyip bones sparked panic among the settlers. A local newspaper reported in July 1845 that one of the bones found was shown to an Aboriginal who immediately claimed it was a bunyip bone. He was asked to draw the ‘bunyip’. The picture was taken to other Aborigines who had had no chance to communicate with each other, and each of them claimed independently that the bone and picture were of a bunyip… It was reported that the creature stood about four metres (12 or 13 feet) high.

Spectacular 3D Dinosaur Fossil  (icr.org) The world’s best-preserved nodosaur stirred wide interest when it went on display… Its skin scales, fearsome shoulder spikes, and possibly even skin colors prompted a fossil pigment expert to declare that it “might have been walking around a couple of weeks ago.”

Dinosaur 3D Fossil  (creation.com) After the outer material was removed, what remained was the fossilized body of an armoured, plant-eating dinosaur called a nodosaur—from snout to hips—basically in its original 3-D shape. This is unusual because most fossils are flattened by the weight of sediment. The shape of its bone structures and scales are clearly discernible… estimated to have been 5.5 m (18 ft) long and weighed about 1,300 kg (2,860 lb).

Long Necked Dinosaurs – Amazing Design  (icr.org) the latest research reveals amazing design structures in sauropods that could hold 30-foot long necks aloft.

Dinosaur Fossil CollectionDinosaur – Q&A | Dinosaur Q&A  (johnmackay; recommended by and former collague of Ken Ham from Australia) Enjoy this laid-back Aussie’s fun, no-nonsense style, and ask any tricky dinosaur question you want. Maybe your child has a dinosaur question they would like answers for? Topics already answered include: Were dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? If so, what happened to them? What happens to bones when an animals dies? How could Noah have fitted huge dinosaurs on the Ark? Carbon dating of dinosaur bones? Dinosaurs and the Bible? Dinosaurs became birds? Fire-breathing dragons? Dinosaur soft tissue – no big deal, right?

Dating methods – information for kids  (creation.com) How many times have you heard something like, ‘This animal lived 50,000 years ago,’ or ‘This person died 20,000 years ago’? Have you ever wondered how the scientists knew the age of the bone? Those who don’t accept the Biblical account of history look for other ways to discover the age of things. One of these methods is based on a substance found in our bodies, plants and all living things—it’s called carbon.

Dinosaur Teething Problems – information for kids  (creation.com) Have you ever seen a dinosaur tooth? Some large dinosaurs have teeth as long as the width of a magazine page! Could you imagine having to brush and clean those? Dinosaur teeth vary in shape as well as size. There are sharp curved teeth, sharp straight teeth, bumpy flat teeth, and flat long teeth; free printable

Would the real Leviathan stand up  (creation.com) The most promising candidate for leviathan mentioned in the Bible is Sarcosuchus, a monstrous ‘armour-plated’ crocodile. Sarcosuchus had an unusual bulbous cavity at the end of its snout that could have been used for mixing fire-generating chemicals. Other creatures still alive today (same designer) can do this, too, e.g. the Bombardier Beetle.

Archaeopteryx  (answersingenesis) Sooner or later, legends tend to fall… one iconic figure has stood out among the evolution-believing community—the legendary Archaeopteryx… and if someone had asked me back then to list out my top 10 proofs of evolution, Archaeopteryx would definitely have been on that list. But alas, its time has also come… Archaeopteryx was once touted as the “first bird,” a supposed transitional form between reptilian dinosaur-like creatures and modern-type birds… even a world-renowned evolutionary ornithologist has stated rather sarcastically, “Paleontologists have tried to turn Archaeopteryx into an earth-bound, feathered dinosaur. But it’s not. It is a bird, a perching bird. And no amount of “paleobabble” is going to change that”; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Archaeopteryx  (icr.org) The fossilized bird known as Archaeopteryx has had quite a history of identity crises. Researchers once classified it as a “missing link” between dinosaurs and birds. It was considered to be an ancient bird, then changed to a dinosaur, and now it’s supposed to be a bird again. So, what is it?; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Archaeopteryx  (creation.com) is a true bird, NOT a dinosaur, or a ‘missing link’; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

How Archaeopteryx clawed its way into being an evolutionary icon  (answersingenesis) even though the supposed dino-bird Archaeopteryx—an icon of evolution—has been knocked off its evolutionary transitional fossil perch now and is no longer considered to be the “first bird,” it still continues to be used as ‘proof’ of the story of evolution; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

How many different Dinosaurs were there?  (icr.org) Children are indoctrinated by secular sources to believe that there were hundreds of different kinds of dinosaurs that lived during ‘the dinosaur age’ millions of years ago. Thus, they are led to believe that evolution is true and the Biblical account of creation wrong. However, one begins to lose faith in this type of ‘science’ when a careful investigation is made. (That sounds like a good project for a child who enjoys researching.) There are far fewer dinosaurs than we have been led to believe. Find out how just ten of them were discovered, but it may surprise (and shock) you.

A list of Dinosaur names  (Christiananswers) in alphabetical order; check them to the list in the article above.

Dinosaur Fossils – Evidence for the Great Flood?  (Christiananswers) Thousands of dinosaur bones can be found where they were washed together by violent flood waters and buried under mud, sand and rock. Many of the animals were torn apart and their bones broken and jumbled-up. The muds and sands hardened like concrete to form the great layers of fossil rocks we find today… Animals and plants will fossilize only if they are buried quickly and deeply, before predators, decay and weather destroy them; information for kids.

Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Gospel | Dinosaurs and the Bible | Dinosaurs | Dinosaur Q&A | Dinosaur Treasure from Alaska  (Christiananswers)  Dinosaurs fit in perfectly with the Bible’s record of history; fun facts, information and resources for teaching children about creation and dinosaurs.

Worshipping Dinosaurs?  (answersingenesis) When we first opened the Creation Museum with an exhibit featuring dinosaurs explained from a biblical worldview, many evolutionists had an emotional eruption! It was as if they believed they owned dinosaurs and that Christians weren’t allowed to talk about them! They didn’t want kids to learn how the biblical worldview explained these creatures and how there was no mystery about them.





DID YOU KNOW:  The largest sauropod dinosaurs may have been up to 190 feet (58 meters) long and over 30 feet high (9.25 metres). However, many dinosaurs were quite small, like Xixianykus, which was only about 20 inches (50 cm) long. Biblical scientists estimate there were probably only about 50-55 different dinosaur KINDS (55×2 = 110 dinosaurs) on the Ark, with the average size roughly that of a cow.





Fossils are not discovered with a tag saying 'millions of years'© answersingenesis.org

THINK SPOT:  When dinosaur fossils are discovered, they are found jumbled up with ALL KINDS of modern birds, plants, and other animals, that look just like those we see around us today. This is precisely what we would expect to see from a worldwide disaster like Noah’s Flood. However, museums do not display these fossils, but hide this information from the public. The big question is WHY? Dr Carl Werner investigated this puzzle. You will be stunned at what he found. And although ‘millions of years’ rolls off the tongue so easily, bones don’t come with tags, either… do they?








Dinosaur – colouring pages  (answersingenesis) free printable

Dinosaur – colouring  (Christiananswers) stepping out of an open Bible and into the Garden of Eden; The Bible has the answer, God’s Word is true; God made me too – colouring a dinosaur holding a sign saying exactly that; Dinosaur – colouring comparing the size of Behemoth, a dinosaur in the Bible, to an elephant; Dinosaur T.rex – colouring ferocious or friendly?; Dinosaurs two by two – colouring on their way to Noah’s Ark; Dinosaur – colouring triceratops; Dinosaur eggs – colouring a baby dinosaur hatching out of an egg; Were you there? – colouring  a student respectfully asks his teacher teaching about millions of years, ‘Were you there?’; The Great Dinosaur Mystery – colouring index | alternative link  the one place children should hear about dinosaurs is in church; use their natural fascination for dinosaurs to turn them toward our Creator, creation and the Bible, and explain how dinosaurs fit into it all; free printable

Dinosaur – 4 colouring pages  (discovercreation) stegosaurus, triceratops, and a fun one of children riding on the back of a dinosaur; free printable

Dinosaur – 4 colouring pages  (colouringpages) apatosaurus, dimorphodon flying dinosaur, a marine ichthyosaurus, pteradactyl flying dinosaur; free printable

Dinosaurs – colouring  (canon) T-rex and triceratops; free printable

Dinosaur – colouring pages 1 | 2  (raisingourkids) various to choose from; free printable

Baby Pterodactyl – colouring (museprintables); Baby Saurolophus – colouring; Baby Stegosaurus – colouring; Baby Triceratops – colouring; Baby Plesiosaur – colouring; Baby Spinosaurus – colouring; Baby T-rex – colouring; Baby Brontosaurus – colouring; Baby Dinosaurs – colouring playing; Baby Dinosaur – colouring; Brontosaurus – colouring; Apatosaurus – colouring; Pterodactyl – colouring; Triceratops – colouring; Stegosaurus – colouring; Diplodocus – colouring; Allosaurus – colouring; Tyrannosaurus-rex – colouring; Spinosaurus – colouring; free printable

Dinosaur – 6 colouring pages | Dinosaur – 4 colouring pages  (amaxkids) free printable

Dinosaur – 200+ colouring pages  (supercoloring) various to choose from; although please note that Archaeopteryx is a true bird and NOT a dinosaur; free printable

Dragon – colouring  (timvandevall; click on the image to download) a fun one of a fire-breathing dragon surrounding a castle; free printable

Dinosaur – colouring 1 | 2  (lilshannie) free printable

Dinosaur – colouring pages  (printablesfree; scroll down) free printable

Dinosaur – colouring pages  (coloringnation) free printable

Dinosaur – colouring pages  (duckduckgo)

Jazz up your colouring pages  combine or shrink your colouring pages to make a unique scene; add a title, a border, a Bible verse and some clip art to make your colouring pages more interesting with this easy tutorial. Or you can download this FREE Dinosaur – colouring page frame that I made for my own children or this one from supercoloring. Note: I often found dinosaur colouring pages generally lack other animals, people or ‘normal’ plants and flowers in them, so I added them in. Think Garden of Eden + Dinosaurs. And this agrees with the true fossil record, as discovered by Dr. Carl Werner (scroll back up to the ‘information’ section to read his story).

Dinosaur Frame to jazz up your coloring pages A4





Mobile Phone paper toy craft with dinosaur dragon on black background; I talk to God; God talks to me; write out your favourite Bible verses and prayers to God; free printable






  • Puzzle Worksheets

Dinosaur – puzzle worksheet  (icr.org; pdf) one-page puzzle worksheet with word search, maze, unscramble, and identify the 6 dinosaurs; from a Biblical perspective to compare what you might hear on TV or in school with what the Bible and scientific evidence actually tell us; free printable

God created Dinosaurs – puzzle worksheet  (answersingenesis) one-page; maze; dot-to-dot numbers 1-58; Dinosaur – puzzle worksheet  (scroll down) 2 page worksheet in colour; circle what’s on the menu for T.rex in God’s original creation; did you know T.rex teeth were up to 6′ long?; Dinosaur – puzzle worksheet  (scroll down) word search, fossil maze, where did they go?; 2 page worksheet in colour; Dinosaur – puzzle worksheet (scroll down) in colour; word scramble; find out which animals are the oldest; Dinosaur – puzzle worksheet (scroll down) in colour; circle the animals not on the Ark, find out who closed the door to the ark, information about fossils; free printable

  • Hidden Picture Puzzle

Dinosaur Dig – hidden picture puzzle  (answersingenesis) join in the fun on this dino dig and find the 13 missing items; free printable

Dinosaur – 10 hidden picture puzzles  (woojr) free printable

I Spy Dinosaurs – hidden picture puzzle  (papertraildesign) free printable

  • Word Search

Dinosaur – word find  (answersingenesis) 20 words naming different types of dinosaurs; Dinosaur – word find  20 dinosaur and Bible words; Dinosaur – word block puzzle  find the four words ‘dinosaur’ in this word search; free printable

Dinosaur – word search  (tlsbooks; pdf) find the 10 dinosaur names and 3 bonus words in this word search shaped like a dinosaur; free printable

Dinosaur – word search  (Christiananswers; press CTRL+P to print) 20 words; free printable

Dinosaur Names – word search  (kidspuzzlesandgames) 10 words; free printable

  • Dot to dot

Dinosaur – dot to dot  (max7) trace over the 4 dinosaurs dotted outlines in this scene, then colour it. Psalm 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; I was excited to see this one is also available in Swahili for our Agatha; free printable

Dinosaur – dot to dot  (answersingenesis) numbers 1 to 28; free printable

Dinosaur | Ankylosaurus | Ceratopsian | Hadrosaurs – dot to dots  (connectthedots101) various to choose from; free printable

  • Maze

Triceratops – maze  (answersingenesis) free printable

Dinosaur – mazes 1 | Dinosaur – mazes 2 | Dinosaur – mazes 3 | Dinosaur – mazes 4  (printablemazes) 10 coloured dinosaur mazes in each booklet; free printable

Brontosaurus – maze  (museprintables); Triceratops – maze; Pterodactyl – maze; Stegosaurus – maze; T-rex – maze; Dinosaur Footprint – maze; Dragon – maze; Dinosaur – maze; Velociraptor – maze; free printable

Dinosaur – maze  (kidspuzzlesandgames); Stegosaurus – maze; Triceratops – maze; free printable

Dinosaur – maze | Stegosaurus – maze | Dinosaur – number maze  (printactivities) free printable

  • Writing Activities

Fossil – quiz  (answersingenesis) worksheet from a Biblical perspective to fill in; free printable

Brontosaurus – writing template  (museprintables); Stegosaurus – writing template; for your Bible memory verses or dinosaur writing activities; free printable

  • Other

Dragon – secret code puzzle  (answersingenesis) decipher the secret code using the Bible verse, then draw a dragon of the deep; Dinosaur – match puzzle match the dinosaur features to the names; Dinosaur – match puzzle match the dinosaur to the silhouette; free printable

Dinosaur – multiple choice quiz  (Christiananswers; press CTRL+P to print) 10 questions; from a Biblical perspective; free printable

Dinosaur – find 7 differences | Dinosaur – find 5 differences | Dinosaur – find 6 differences  (supercoloring)  free printable

Dinosaur – jigsaw puzzle | Dinosaur – spot 5 differences  (kidspuzzlesandgames) free printable

Dinosaur Footprints – binder cover | Dinosaur – binder cover  (museprintables) for your colouring and puzzle pages; free version

DIY puzzles  design your own dinosaur puzzles specifically suited for your child. Tip: print the Dinosaurs and the Bible – FREE article for kids and use it for the questions and answers to your puzzles.




dinosaur-grey triceratops*





  • Paper Toys | Paper Crafts

I talk to God | God talks to me – paper craft  (Paper Gifts for Estefany; scroll down) a fun and colourful mobile phone paper toy to make with a fire-breathing dragon, where you can write out your sms/texts/prayers to God (I talk to God) and some of your favourite Bible verses (God talks to me). There are also other ready made designs, transparent templates where you add your child’s photo, as well as extra inserts; simply print, cut, and fold; free printable

Mobile Phone paper toy craft with dinosaur dragon on black background; I talk to God; God talks to me; write out your favourite Bible verses and prayers to God; free printable

Dinosaur – paper craft  (Paper Gifts for Estefany; scroll down) an optical illusion thaumatrope spinning paper toy to print, cut out and assemble that shows a cute little dinosaur / dragon with a little puff of smoke saying, ‘God made me, too!’; free printable

FREE Dinosaur Mini Thaumatrope for kids FREE Dinosaur Mini Thaumatrope for kids

Dinosaur – DIY diorama | templates  (firstpalette) make your own dinosaur diorama with dinosaur templates to print, cut out and stand up – ankylosaurus, parasaurolophus, spinosaurus, triceratops, tyrannosaurus-rex, allosaurus, brachiosaurus, camarasaurus, stegosaurus; a terrific idea for lots of fun, although please note that Archaeopteryx is a true bird and NOT a dinosaur; add lots of different animals, plants, and birds like Archaeopteryx; think Garden of Eden + dinosaurs; free printable

Triceratops – 3D paper craft  (canon); Triceratops – 3D paper craft; Stegosaur – 3D paper craft; Pteranodon – 3D paper craft; Futabasaurus – 3D paper craft; Supersaurus – 3D paper craft; Allosaurus – 3D paper craft; Apatosaurus – 3D paper craft; T-rex – 3D paper craft; Tyrannosaurus-rex – 3D paper craft; Stegosaurus – 3D paper craft standing figures to print, cut out and assemble; Stegosaurus – 3D paper craft  print, cut out and make an elastic powered paper toy; free printable

Dinosaur – 3D paper craft  (traktatie-maken; click on the scissors icon to download) a cute dino to print, cut and fold; free printable

Flying Dinosaur – paper craft | Flying Dinosaur – paper plate version  (pinkstripeysocks) to cut out, make and decorate; Flying Dinosaur – paper craft like a paper airplane; print, cut, fold and colour; free printable

T-rex – 3D paper craft  (instructables) with moveable arms, legs, head and a mouth that opens; print, cut, fold, and assemble; in colour or to colour; free printable

Fire-Breathing Dragon – paper roll craft  (onelittleproject) blow ‘dragon fire’ using a painted cardboard roll and fire-coloured streamers; when you blow in the end of the tube, it looks like the dragon is breathing fire!

Dragon – DIY hobby horse  (kidscraftroom) make a dragon hobby horse to ride on made from a cereal box and rubbish bag; fun ideas for your homeschool students.

Dinosaur – 3D paper craft  (krokrotak) print, cut and fold; Dinosaur – 3D paper craft; Dinosaur Hatching – 3D paper craft hatching from an egg; print, cut and fold; Dinosaur – 3D paper craft print, cut and assemble; Dinosaur – paper roll craft; Dinosaurs in Love – 3D paper craft  print, cut and fold; Dinosaur Castle – DIY diorama make a castle from an empty cardboard box, an egg carton, paper rolls, cardboard paper, inhabited with ferocious dinosaurs and attacked by a legion of knights armed with chestnuts; Dinosaur – craft  made from 2 egg cartons, paper rolls, and ping pong ball eyes; Dinosaur – craft make castanets from a folded piece of cardboard for the dinosaur’s mouth, add eyes, and bottle tops in their mouth to make the castanet sound; free printable

Surfing Dinosaur – paper craft  (madeinpaperland; click on the second image to download) print, cut and fold; free printable

Dinosaur – paper craft  (amaxkids) print, cut, paste the 5 dinosaurs into the 5 different scenes; in colour or to colour; free printable

Dinosaur – paper plate craft  (theinspirationedit) easy and cute

T-rex – 3D paper toy  (papertoys; pdf) print, cut, fold, and assemble; free printable

Dragon – 3D paper craft  (paperdollsandtoys) print, cut, assemble; in colour; free printable

Dinosaur Egg – paper craft  (thesoccermomblog) pop up dino eggs to print, colour and make that open up to reveal a dinosaur flashcard, or dinosaur Bible verse or dinosaur puzzle question – whatever you want; free printable

Fire-Breathing Dragon – paper craft  (madebyjoel) print, cut, and insert the movable tongue to make him breathe fire; Dinosaurs at the Museum – 3D paper craft  diorama to print, colour and assemble; free printable

Dinosaur – 3D paper craft  (canon); Dinosaur – 3D paper craft make a T-rex moving paper toy using elastic bands; Dinosaur – 3D paper craft make a brachiosaurus moving paper toy using elastic bands; Dinosaur – paper craft print, cut out and make a dinosaur diorama; Dinosaur – mobile print, cut out and make; Dragon – 3D paper craft make a red flying dragon moving paper toy using elastic bands; free printable (via sign-in)

Dinosaur – mobile  (luulla) for purchase; or use the idea to make your own; scroll down for templates you can use.


  • Puppets | Finger Puppets

Dinosaur – finger puppets | Dinosaur – finger puppets | Dinosaur – finger puppets  (supercoloring) to print, cut, and tape around your finger or glue to a stick; free printable

Dragon – puppet craft  (kidscraftroom) make a dragon puppet using an old sock, felt and glue; the template is free printable

Dinosaur – puppet craft  (firstpalette) stick puppets to print, cut out and make; although please note that Archaeopteryx is a true bird and NOT a dinosaur; free printable

Fire-Breathing Dragon – DIY puppet craft  (amysfreeideas; see ‘dragon’) to make using an old sock, then find an appropriate box and cut a hole for your arm to fit through. Decorate it however you want. It could also be fun to make a giant egg for the dragon to come out of–cover a balloon with paper mache and cut it open once it is dry. Make the wings, arms and flames out of foam sheets, felt, or heavy paper using your own templates.

Dinosaur – DIY finger puppets  (duckduckgo)

Dinosaur – finger puppets  (seamwhisperer) cute dinosaurs designed for felt, but could be adapted for paper; templates for members only

  • Origami

Tyrannosaurus – origami | Triceratops – origami | Stegosaurus – origami  (canon) free printable

Fire-Breathing Dragon – bookmark corner  (redtedart; scroll down to the end of the post for the video tutorial) to make origami style using scraps of coloured paper.

  • Games

Dinosaur – board game  (supercoloring) free printable

  • DIY Dinosaur Dig

10,000 Dinosaurs  (isgenesishistory); What is it like to dig for dinosaur bones?  (icr.org); have a look at these real dinosaur digs and then organise your own! Print and cut up some dinosaur templates, stencils or pictures like a jigsaw puzzle; put sand or dirt into a box and bury your ‘dinosaurs’, then students act as palaeontologists to CAREFULLY dig for ‘dinosaurs,’ so as not to ‘damage’ the ‘fossils.’ To look authentic, they will need something like a little shovel, sifter, and paint brush to delicately brush away the dirt from their archaeological treasures; scroll down for some dinosaur templates that you can use.

Dinosaur Dig – paper craft  (sparklebox) easy cut and paste activity putting the t-rex bones back together just like a real paleontologist; free printable

Dinosaur Dig – jigsaw puzzle  (kidspuzzlesandgames) colour the dinosaur fossil jigsaw puzzle, cut it out, and then bury the pieces for your dinosaur dig; free printable

Dinosaur Dig – sign  (lilshannie) free printable

Dinosaur Dig – 3D paper craft  (mylittlehouse) put the dinosaur bones back together just like a real paleontologist in a dinosaur dig; print, cut, assemble and play; for purchase

  • Decorate | Party

Dinosaur – door hanger  (Paper Gifts for Estefany; scroll down) in honour of Ebenezer stretching his head far up into the stratosphere… guests welcome, come on in… if you dare; with Bible verse from Exodus 20:11 giving glory to God as Creator; print, cut and fold; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur free printable Door Hanger for kids

Dinosaur – door hanger  (lilshannie) cartoon dinosaurs, palm tree on blue polka dot background; print, cut, paste; Dinosaur – classroom poster | party sign; Dinosaur – cupcake toppers; Dinosaur – place cards; free printable

Stegosaurus – classroom poster | Apatosaurus – classroom poster | T-rex – classroom poster  (sparklebox) colourful cartoon dinosaurs to print for a great visual impact; each one prints over 8 landscape A4 pages; free printable

Dinosaur Cup – 3D paper craft  (traktatie-maken; click on the scissors icon to download) a cute dino to print, cut and attach to a paper cup; free printable

Dragon – cupcake toppers  (cupcakeprintables) 2″ circles with cute cartoon dragon and dotted border on green, pink and white background; free printable

Dinosaur – decorate your classroom  (duckduckgo) ideas

  • Dress-up

Dinosaur Hat – paper craft  (paper-and-glue) a cool dress-up idea made from green construction paper just using strips and triangles; decorate for some additional flair.

Dinosaur Hat – paper craft  (krokotak) make a cool hat by cutting a strip of corrugated cardboard to go around the head, cut out spikes from an egg carton to go across the top, and then decorate it.

Dinosaur Party Hat – paper craft 1 | 2 | 3  (lilshannie) cute dinosaurs with balloons on pale blue polka dot background with grass edge; print, cut, glue; free printable

DIY Dinosaur Party Hat – paper craft | templates  (duckduckgo) print a party hat template, decorate it, then attach a row of spiky triangles to one of the outer seams before gluing the edges together.

Pteranodon – full head mask | Triceratops – full head mask | T-rex – full head mask  (canon) print, cut, assemble; free printable

Dinosaur – face mask | Triceratops – face mask  (supercoloring) in colour or to colour; free printable

Dinosaur – face mask  (itsybitsyfun) Triceratops and T-rex; in colour or to colour; free printable

Dinosaur Tail – paper craft  (artsycraftsymom) cut geometric shapes out of coloured paper to make this cool dinosaur tail.

Dinosaur Feet – paper craft  to cut out and make for your child to dress up; these are made from felt, but could be adapted for paper; make extras so your child can have fun dinosaur races with their friends.

Dinosaur Feet – paper craft  (rainydaymum) to make and decorate from empty tissue boxes.

Dinosaur Bracelet – paper craft  (thecrafttrain; scroll down to ‘how to make a dinosaur paper bracelet’ to download the template) print, cut, colour, and glue; free printable

Fire-Breathing Dragon – face masks – colour | to colour  (redtedart) free printable (via ‘add to cart’)

  • Templates

Dinosaur – templates  (sparklebox) flash cards that could also be used as colourful templates; free printable

Dinosaur – templates  (firstpalette) wonderful templates to print and cut out and use for your dinosaur dig or for crafts, although please note that Archaeopteryx is a true bird and NOT a dinosaur; free printable

Dinosaur – outline templates  (patternuniverse) to cut out and use for your dinosaur dig or for crafts; free printable

Dinosaur – template | Pterodactyl – template | T-rex – template | T-rex – templateDragon – template  (supercoloring) free printable

Dinosaur – templates  (printablesfree) free printable

Dragon – templates  (cupcakeprintables) 2″ circle cupcake toppers with cartoon dragon and dotted border on green, pink and white background; free printable

Dinosaur – silhouette templates | Broken egg – silhouette template  (silhouettegarden) brontosaurus, brachiosaurus, pterodctyl, stegosaurus, t-rex, triceratops, dinosaur footprints, and more; to cut out and use for your dinosaur dig or for crafts; free printable






Dinosaur – learn to draw  (max7) trace over the 4 dinosaur dotted outlines in this scene; with Bible verse from Psalm 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; also available in Swahili; free printable

max7 Dinosaur puzzle colouring

Dinosaur – learn to draw  (answersingenesis; click on ‘template’ for the basic shapes; and click on ‘animation’ for how to fill in the detail) to find out what the smiling dinosaurs are going to eat (and it’s not each other); free printable

T-rex Dinosaur – learn to draw  (samanthasbell)

Triceratops – learn to draw  (supercoloring); Stegosaurus – learn to draw; T-rex – learn to draw; Brachiosaurus – learn to draw; Diplodocus – learn to draw; Ankylosaurus – learn to draw; Pteranodon – learn to draw; Allosaurus – learn to draw; Spinosaurus – learn to draw; and there’s even a Dinosaur – blank frame for your drawings; free printable

Plesiosaur – learn to draw | Triceratops – learn to draw | Stegosaurus – learn to draw | Diplodocus – learn to draw | Spinosaurus – learn to draw | Dinosaur – learn to draw  (artprojectsforkids) free printable

Pterodactylus – learn to draw | T-rex – learn to draw | Triceratops – Learn to draw  (drawingforall) step by step

Dinosaur – learn to draw  (howstuffworks; scroll down) various different dinosaurs to choose from; although please note that Archaeopteryx is a true bird and NOT a dinosaur.

Fire-Breathing Dragon – learn to draw  (activityvillage) members only.






Dinosaur – photo frame  (supercoloring) add your child’s photo to this cute dinosaur photo frame; free printable

Dinosaur – DIY photo collage  (krokrotak) print and enlarge your favourite dinosaur template; add your child’s and family’s photos into the body of the dinosaur, then decorate it; free printable






  • Posters

Dinosaur – FREE Bible poster  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verse from Exodus 20:11; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur free printable Poster for kids A4

Dinosaur – FREE poster for kids  (answersingenesis) with information about dinosaurs from a Biblical perspective; free printable

  • Bookmarks

Dinosaur – FREE Bible bookmark | bookmark corners  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verse from Exodus 20:11; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur Free Printable Bookmark with Bible verse for kids 4x6 Dinosaur Bookmark Corners A4

  • Wallet Cards

Dinosaur – FREE Bible wallet cards  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verse from Exodus 20:11; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur Bible Verse Wallet Cards for Kids

Dinosaur – flash cards  (sparklebox) blank flash cards with colourful dinosaur clip art and editable text; add a favourite Bible verse and make your own Bible wallet cards; free printable

Dinosaur – labels / name tags  (nametagjungle) blank name tags with dinosaur clip art and simple oval borders in 6 different colors; add a favourite Bible verse and make your own Bible wallet cards; free version

Dinosaur – flash cards  (creation.com) 2 sets of 5 dinosaur cards + cover card; for purchase

  • Other

Dinosaur – notepaper | mini note cards | mini envelopes  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verse from Exodus 20:11; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur free printable mini envelopes + tiny note cards A4 Dinosaur Free Printable Notepaper for Kids

Dinosaur – to do list  (lilshannie); Dinosaur – pillow box; Dinosaur – favour box; Dinosaur – recipe cards; Dinosaur – gift tags purple, mauve and yellow dinosaurs in lime green and pink frames on white background; free printable

Dinosaur – stickers  (stickersandcharts) download and print on A4 sticker paper; Dinosaur – reward chart featuring cute dinosaurs; free printable

Dinosaur – height chart  (sparklebox) print and assemble; free printable

Dinosaur – reward chart | certificate  (kidspuzzlesandgames) reward chart and certificate for completing your goals on the chart; Dinosaur – blank certificate; free printable






Add a Dinosaur Bible | verse  (blueletterBible) to a favourite Dinosaur – image | clip art  (duckduckgo) and make your own:

Bible poster | verse card
Bible bookmark – add your child’s name
Bible wallet cards
Bible note cards | notepaper  use the same tutorial; just space out your initial rectangles
Bible stickers
Board game
Jazz up your envelopes if you are including any special treats like dinosaur stickers for your homeschool or Sunday school students. Sticker sheets are fine for your sponsored child.






Dinosaurs did not die out 65 million years ago  Dragon history is nearly universal throughout ancient cultures of the world. Where did it come from? How did different people, separated by continents, describe, record, draw, etch, sew and carve these creatures with such uniformity if they were not eyewitnesses? This viral video documentary featuring well known PhD scientists from creation.com, answersingenesis.org and icr.org who take the Bible seriously discussing multiple dinosaur sightings from all over the world. And as Dr Wieland states at the 13:54 mark, “If you only had one or two stories that sounded a bit similar to dinosaurs, you could see it as just a coincidence, but when you have this universal theme right across the globe, many different continents, many different cultures, and over a vast span of human history, then there’s probably going to have to be some universal core truth there.”


  • Dinosaurs + Humans Q&A  (creation.com)
  • Bishop Bell’s Tomb, Carlisle Cathedral  brass behemoth engravings dated from 1496 AD;
  • Stone carving at Angkor in Cambodia  800 years old;
  • Vietnamese Emperor saw a Flying Dragon and moved his whole palace and capital city there;
  • Monsters in Paris?  Ancient artefacts from Iraq; Nile mosaic of Palestrina; Dragons of Ethiopia; a mural in the House of the Physician in Pompeii; Dragons legends in China, Australia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America; and did you know that ancient writers such as Greek historian Herodotus, Apollonius of Tyana and Marco Polo gave detailed descriptions of creatures just like those now sitting in our museums?
  • Dragons in China  the dragon is the only creature in the Chinese calendar not alive today, not because it is mythological, but because dragons are now extinct;
  • Pterosaurs + Humans  evidence is available for man coexisting with pterosaurs in the Americas and reported sightings from remote regions in the world over the last 120 years;
  • Sea Monsters… more than a legend?  Reports of unknown monsters of the deep have been a part of sea lore for hundreds of years;
  • Australian Aborigines + Dinosaurs?  stories of encounters with huge, sometimes frightening monsters.
  • Dinosaurs + Humans  (icr.org)dinosaur-pink-yellow
  • Dragons many different people groups all over the world relayed the same details, continents apart, that authenticates their testimony. St. George had to deal with a dragon. Alexander the Great’s army encountered a dragon. Marco Polo recorded dragons. Flavius Philostratus in the third century A.D. wrote: ‘The whole of India is girt with dragons of enormous size; for not only the marshes are full of them, but the mountains as well, and there is not a single ridge without one…’
  • Jungle ruins may hold surprising hints;
  • Did Medieval artists see real dinosaurs?
  • The Dinosaur next door;
  • Eyewitnesses to Extinction  of the life and death of dinosaurs;
  • Sea Serpent on a Danish ship prow; also, some ancient Norwegian Viking vessels have fire-breathing dragons carved on them. Could they have seen Leviathan as described in Job 41 with sparks, smoke, and flashes of fire coming from the mouth and nose?
  • Rare Fossil Pterosaur  Native legends tell of large flying reptiles that hunted water creatures;
  • A real Jurassic world?  dinosaur-like monsters lurk near deep, secluded waters, according to natives.
  • Dinosaur petroglyph  the doctrine of millions of years, not the evidence itself, forces evolutionists to try to “debunk” what would otherwise be a plain testimony: that humans and dinosaurs coexisted.
  • Dinosaurs + Humans  (answersingenesis)
  • Dragon legends from around the world
  • Dinosaurs alive after Babel?  ancient peoples all around the world told of heroes who killed large reptilian creatures. These accounts are almost as numerous as flood legends.
  • When did Dinosaurs live?
  • Dinosaurs and Humans  According to evolutionary time, crocodiles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs—and yet, humans live with crocodiles today. So why is it ridiculous to think humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time?
  • What will you do with Dinosaurs?  …it’s tough to discern the truth from the noise. But what if the answer is not as mysterious as it seems? What if there is an eyewitness account of what happened to the dinosaurs?
  • Genesis Park  (genesispark) A showcase of evidence that dinosaurs and man were created together and have co-existed throughout history.






Other ‘Dinosaurs’ rediscovered  (creation.com) The Coelacanth | an extinct fish, and the Wollemi Pine | an extinct tree have been discovered hidden away – so why not dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs hidden in the swamps of Africa?  (creation.com) Over the past 100 years, there have been many reports of sightings in a remote area of central Africa of a swamp-dwelling animal known to local villagers as ‘mokele-mbembe’—the ‘blocker-of-rivers’.

Dinosaurs alive in PNG?  (creation.com) villagers travelling in a canoe reported seeing a ‘dinosaur-like reptile’ wading in shallow water.

Cryptozoological (Hidden Animals) Evidence  (genesispark) possible great reptiles still surviving today; each location has been personally visited and multiple credible reports verified:

  • Plesiosaurs | great swimming reptiles – Lake Champlain, Loch Ness, Santa Cruz, Lake Okanagan
  • Pterosaurs | flying reptiles – Africa, PNG
  • Sauropod – Africa, Amazon
  • Ceratopsians | frilled dinosaurs – Africa


Live Plesiosaurs?  (creation.com) Of all plesiosaur-like creatures washed up on shores around the world, basking sharks account for over 90%… there is evidence, however, for live plesiosaurs in recent times… it would not surprise me at all if a live plesiosaur was found today.

Nessie’s – official website  (nessie.co.uk) Hi folks ! My name’s Nessie and I live in Loch Ness, Scotland. I’m an elusive creature, I manage to keep my appearances to a minimum. Below are some of the entries in my diary of when I’ve been seen, with a few snapshots to prove it. My favourite spot is Urquhart Bay, just beside the castle. The official Loch Ness website with information and photographs of possible sightings, the last one recorded in 2011.

Dinosaurs and the Bible  (video) Have you been told that the dinosaurs died off “millions” of years ago? Is there evidence that dinosaurs and man may have existed together? Could evidence of dinosaurs existing with man be suppressed, because it proves false prevailing scientific theories about the age of the earth and the origin of man and animals? Could any dinosaurs possibly still be living? Whilst researching this topic, I was fascinated and surprised to find so many stories and links, including one person saying that eyewitness ‘sightings of pterodactyls in Mexico are so frequent that creationist and missionary John Pendleton (creacionistas.com) is setting up a trap.’ I decided to personally track down and write to Mr Pendleton, and he very kindly replied and confirmed this information: ‘Sorry, I don’t have a photo YET! I have talked to lots of people who have seen it. One lady was almost carried off in December 2006. I want to trap the thing live.’ At the 13:40 mark in this video, Mr Pendleton talks about a flying dinosaur in PNG that carried off a near-dead tribal man, then dropped him back on the ground when it realised he was still (barely) alive. Apparently, they are known to be scavengers, often raiding new, shallow graves. In another video link that John gave me, he further describes how he is hoping to trap and tranquillize a live flying pterosaur where he lives in Zacatecas, Mexico and put a radio-transmitter on it in order to find the whole family. Pterosaurs are at least the size of a hang-glider. He describes how the lady who was almost carried off in December 2006 was wiring a gate door shut, heard flapping wings, crouched down & managed to elude capture. He also refers to sightings of swimming reptiles in 50 lakes across the world and he confirmed that has spoken to a ‘Nessie’ eyewitness himself; plus there have been reported sightings of pterosaurs in PNG, Australia, New Mexico, USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Africa. All very intriguing. What do you think?




NOTE:  I have mainly restricted the majority of my links to respected Biblical organisations with Ph.D. scientists on staff (like creation.com / icr.org / answersingenesis.org). If you are interested in further information on this fascinating topic, I found a virtual rabbit warren of links, books and web sites by cryptozoologists who study ‘hidden animals,’ claiming to be investigating live pterosaur sightings reported from all over the world. Could modern, living and nocturnal Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs (called ropens) with intrinsic bioluminescence account for some strange sighting of lights? It is claimed that the ropen’s defining characteristic is the glow it emits from its stomach and tail. Many eyewitnesses have claimed to see this glow at night. A simple search will bring up hours of fun!











Dinosaur – FREE stationery | note cards  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verse from Exodus 20:11; also available in French; free printable

Dinosaur Free Printable Stationery for Kids A4 FRENCH Dinosaur free printable mini envelopes + note cards A4 Dinosaur free printable Note cards with Bible verse A4

Dinosaur – stationery  (pageborders.org) a cute green dinosaur, mountain and tropical foliage with plain blue squiggly border; free version

Dinosaur – stationery  (pageborders.net) various dinosaurs around the page with a tropical plant border; free printable

Dinosaur – lined stationery  (museprintables) a collection of dinosaurs and palm tree footer; free version

Dinosaur – envelope  (lilshannie) free printable

Dinosaur – lined stationery  (mintprintables) dinosaur clip art on white background; free printable

Dinosaur – stationery  (printabletreats) soft mauve and green dinosaurs on white background; free printable

Dinosaur – greeting card  (greetingsisland) cute watercolour dinosaurs, tropical flowers and palms; Dinosaur – greeting card cute watercolour dinosaurs, coloured rocks and plants; Girly Dino – greeting card cute watercolour girly dinosaurs with bows on their heads and plants; Dino Mite – greeting card four dinosaurs in separate frames; Dinosaur Flowers – greeting card a pink dinosaur with pretty watercolour flowers; all with fully editable text, and you can add your own photo or images if you wish; free printable

Fire-breathing Dragon – stationery  (activityvillage) a purple dragon wrapped around a tower; Fire-breathing Dragon – stationery  cute green dragon; blank, lined or handwriting; members only









  • Read

Challenging Dr. E.V. Lution – Dinosaur story for kids  (creation.com) Thirteen-year-old David Avila and the Creation Science Club, along with a mysterious secret friend, search back through recorded history, look into science’s most recent fossil finds and go on a dangerous treasure hunt in Argentina to collect real-life scientific evidence that refutes evolution and upholds the truth of the Word of God; for purchase.

Dinosaurs and Dragons – comic book  (creation.com) No human ever saw a living dinosaur… or did they? All over the world, there are many stories about dragons. Discover the facts of history as you find out about these amazing animals and how they connect to the Bible; for purchase.

Dragons of the Deep – book  (creation.com) Ocean monsters past and present, by Dr Carl Wieland. Mighty predators like Liopleurodon, and the lesser-known sea serpent Styxosaurus probably inspired tales of sea dragons before they became extinct. The whale-wrestling colossal squid was thought to be mythical until its recent live discovery. Fantastic creatures and fascinating facts impart a thoroughly Biblical worldview. The illustrated book is for purchase; or you may like to print off the free printable sample for your child.

Dinosaur Challenges and Mysteries – book  (creation.com) for purchase by scientist Michael Oard. Uncover new and mysterious dinosaur evidence being discovered around the world, including tracks, nests, eggs and bones. Let a dinosaur expert show you how the Genesis Flood explains the discoveries and the mysteries. Beautifully presented in full colour with amazing pictures and drawings from a Biblical perspective.

More Dinosaur items  (creation.com) for purchase

  • Watch

Dinosaurs did NOT die 65 millions years ago  (video documentary) featuring well known PhD scientists, from creation.com, Answers in Genesis, and icr.org who take the Bible seriously, discussing multiple dinosaur sightings from all over the world; and as Dr Wieland states (at the 13:54 mark) ‘if you only had one or two stories that sounded a bit similar to dinosaurs, you could see it as just a coincidence, but when you have this universal theme right across the globe, many different continents, many different cultures and over a vast span of human history then there’s probably going to have to be some universal core truth there.’


Dinosaurs, Genesis and the Gospel  (answersingenesis) 4 videos for kids

Hundreds of modern animal fossils found WITH dinosaurs, but hidden from the public  short 3 minute video


What happened to the Dinosaurs?  (answersingenesis; video) Dr Monty White shares some of ‘respected scientific’ theories taught in universities over the last 50 years about why the dinosaurs disappeared including:  constipation; air pollution; sunburn; asteroid or comet impact; a series of comet impacts; underground gas explosion; and more recently, ‘they didn’t die – they just grew feathers and evolved into birds!’


  • Snacks

Dragon munchies for your family | index  (answersingenesis; pdf) dragon nails, dragon scales, dragon tongue; make them for your family and send the pics to your sponsored child and see if they can come up with something creative like this for lots of fabulous party fun; free printable

Dino – cute ideas for a girly party | more Dino party ideas (karaspartyideas) to light up any party! Roar!

Dino – cute ideas for a girly party

Dinosaur – cupcakes  (duckduckgo)

  • Visit

World-class Dinosaur Fossil at the Creation Museum  (creationmuseum/answersingenesis) Take your family to see the Creation Museum. Scroll down for a sneak peek of what you will see. Kids aged 10 and under are free so they can learn the truth about life, dinosaurs and the world from a Biblical perspective; and make sure you send your sponsored child the photos to build their faith, too.







Noah’s Ark  Yes! Dinosaurs were included!

Ark Encounter_Noah's Ark Kentucky USA

© answersingenesis.org






And when you are writing to your sponsored child about these incredible creatures, don’t forget to tell them about their magnificent Creator…

Tell them about Jesus!



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Some images in this post are Copyright © Answers in Genesis. All Rights Reserved. The images are used here by permission of the copyright owner, Answers in Genesis. (Answers® and Answers in Genesis® are registered trademarks of Answers in Genesis, Inc.) For more information regarding Answers in Genesis, go to answersingenesis.org, CreationMuseum.org and ArkEncounter.com
Dinosaur in Musuem Cartoon: © Richard Gunther / mightymag.org
Other Images: pixabay.com

7 thoughts on “Dinosaur ~ Links

  1. Pingback: DIY Activity Book for Kids (or adults) | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  2. Pingback: Creation Day 5 ~ Sea Creatures, Flying Creatures ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  3. Pingback: Noah’s Ark / Rainbow ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  4. Pingback: Creation Day 6 ~ God Makes Land Animals ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  5. Pingback: Dinosaurs in Ghana…! | Paper Gifts for Estefany

    • I know, me too. It was a ton of work, but so much fun! :)

      Plus the whole dinosaur on the ark thing / what happened to the dinosaurs is a very common faith question. I like to hit potential problems head on with my kids, before they might become a problem and damage their faith. There ARE reasonable answers for EVERYTHING… even if we don’t know them yet.

      Thanks for leaving a comment, Susan.


Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to leave a kind comment. You've made my day! :)