Seahorses & Seadragons ~ Links

Leafy Sea Dragon - Bible Poster by Paper Gifts for Estefany with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 - Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Revelation 4:11 - You are worthy, our Lord, to receive glory and honour and power, for you have created all things; and for Your pleasure they have life and were created; free printable

Did you know that there is an animal that lives underwater that has a head like a horse; a tail that curls around and hangs onto things like a monkey; a pouch for their babies like a kangaroo; and eyes that can swivel in opposite directions like a chameleon? They float up and down in the water like a mini-submarine. And have you ever had fun slurping your drink through a straw? They do that, too.  :o

Today we’re going to have a look at these fascinating creatures, the seahorse and their incredible cousins, the leafy seadragon, weedy seadragon, ribboned seadragon, the pipehorse, and the pipefish. Can’t wait to tell you about these amazing little guys. We’ll find out the design secret of these gentle and amazing creatures that scientists have admired and copied, along with some fun facts. There will be a Seahorse & Seadragon – FREE article; colouring pages, puzzles, crafts, adorable posters, and creative ideas for our children… enjoy!



FREE seahorse article for kids giving glory to God as designer; free printable





Exodus 20:11  For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

Job 12:7-10  But ask now the beasts and they shall teach you; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell you. Or speak to the earth and it shall teach you; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto you. Who knows not in all these that the hand of the LORD has wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.

Psalm 95:3-6  For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth… The sea is His, and He made it; and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

Isaiah 40:12  Who else has held the oceans in His hand?

Psalm 135:5–6  For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas and all deep places.

Nehemiah 9:6  You, even You, are LORD alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas and all that is therein, and You preserve them all.

Revelation 4:11  You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power, for you have created all things, and for Your pleasure they have life and were created.

Psalm 69:34  Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves therein.

Psalm 33:8–9  Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast.






Seahorses & Seadragons ~ FREE article for kids  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) giving glory to God as designer and jammed packed with amazing fun facts about these fascinating little creatures; also available in French; free printable

FREE seahorse article for kids giving glory to God as designer; free printable

The Amazing Seahorse  ( The Creator offers few sights more incredible and yet more delicately beautiful, than a living seahorse. It swims erect and slowly, with its tail twisting forward to perhaps grip a seaweed frond while its alert eyes search for food or danger… Sometimes seahorses meet in midstream and tangle their curling tails. Then, just as elegantly, they uncoil them from each other and sedately swim away… study the sea horse carefully and you find evidence that points to its being wonderfully designed by God the Creator; from scientists who take the Bible seriously; share a snippet about this amazing creature with your child.

Enter the Sea Dragon  ( Bizarre and beautiful, leafy sea dragons… look like floating leaves and seaweed, use an air bladder to move up and down in the water… spectacularly camouflaged marine creatures with some truly incredible design features; from scientists who take the Bible seriously; share a snippet about this amazing creature with your child.

Pygmy Pipehorse  ( Given its superb camouflage and small size (up to about 5 cm = 2 inches), it’s a wonder that this creature was ever discovered at all… lives on rocky reefs covered with red algae in coastal marine waters 6–30 metres (20–100 ft) deep. Its skin has a very useful feature aiding camouflage—it attracts algal growth. The resulting colour mixture is extremely variable with specimens ranging from white to red to green to brown. The amount and colour of algal protuberances on an individual Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse’s skin tend to match the algal covering on the reef where it lives… they rise or sink by changing the air volume within the bladder… pipehorses, seahorses and sea dragons as a single created kind, with built-in variety enabling them to colonise and blend into a range of habitats; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Seahorse – fun facts for kids  (answersingenesis) The male of all seahorse species carries the fertilized eggs in a brood pouch until they are ready to hatch. During this time, an amazing change is occurring. When the young are first developing, the placental-like fluid provides the fertilized eggs with nutrition and oxygen. Later in their development, this fluid changes its chemical content, which helps the unborn young become familiar with the seawater. This chemical change was not the result of chance, random processes but was the creative design of Almighty God; from scientists who take the Bible seriously.

Seahorse  (answersingenesis) Seahorses have a large head with a tube-like snout, a neck that moves, a round body, and a long, slender, tapered tail. The eyes of the sea horse move independently of one another and swivel, constantly looking for food. The neck, body, and tail of the seahorse are marked with circular and lengthwise ridges which look like bony bumps. Seahorses have a small pectoral fin and a single small dorsal fin that they use to hover in the water; from scientists who take the Bible seriously

Sea Dragon  (answersingenesis) The appendages of the leafy seadragon are usually a shade of green or yellow, and the appendages of the weedy sea dragon are purple with a black border. Don’t be fooled by the delicate appearance of this creature. It is covered in hard plates and has sharp spines; from scientists who take the Bible seriously

Seahorses and Seadragons  (seahorse-australia) are one of God’s most fascinating and mysterious creatures. Their unique, majestic charm has captivated mankind for centuries. They are sometimes difficult to find in the wild, except by experienced divers, due to their chameleon-like ability to change colour and camouflage with their habitat. It is not surprising that new species continue to be found as more research is conducted… Seadragons are a special member of the Syngnathid family only found naturally in Australia… the Leafy Seadragon, Weedy Seadragon and Ribboned Seadragon. They are adorned with ornate appendages and unlike seahorses, the male… receives the eggs from the female onto his tail where they develop and then hatch, releasing a young seadragon ready to face the world…

Seahorses  (creationwiki) Seahorses are one of God’s most interesting and remarkable creatures. They almost seem unreal, as if they came from a fantasy land with their curious body structure.

Leafy Seadragons  (creationwiki) There are two types of sea dragons, the leafy sea dragon and the weedy… usually green to yellow in color…. covered in protective jointed plates… act only as camouflage… found in Australian waters…. reach a total length of 35 cm and live about eight years. The Weedy Sea Dragon can grow to about 46 cm. They are usually orange/red in color and have numerous whitish spots…

New Pygmy Seahorse discovered  much to scientists’ surprise, 100 metres beneath the surface on The Great Barrier Reef, Australia in 2010. At 5mm long the newly discovered Pygmy seahorse could be the world’s smallest vertebrate.

Fossil Seahorses  ( – original link removed) …beautifully preserved seahorse fossils in siltstone in Slovenia. He and his colleagues were looking for fossil insects in the area, so finding seahorse fossils was a complete surprise… Give the find a new species name and then claim it as evidence for evolution of species and hope that nobody notices that the new fossil find was instantly recognizable as a seahorse, so close in structure to the living Hippocampus seahorses it had to be put into that group… There is no evidence in these new fossils here that some non-seahorse kind evolved into a seahorse kind, but there is abundant evidence that seahorses have produced after their kind from the first known ones to the present. Furthermore, the seahorses may have lived in beds of seagrass but the fossil insects found in the same rocks did not. Finding well preserved land and sea creatures together is evidence that this fossil bed is not a buried ecosystem, but the results of a catastrophic event that swept up many creatures, mixed them and rapidly dumped and buried them… the original created seahorse/pipefish kind had the genetic capacity to handle a range of salinities. After the flood, seahorses/pipefish continued to reproduce after their own kind, just as God made them to. They diversified and specialised into different environments, some in freshwater and others in marine environments; information from scientists who take the Bible seriously

Seahorses changing colour  (seahorse Q&A forum) a fascinating insight into seahorses changing colours in aquariums and how fast they do it; I just found this interesting and thought you might, too (and another reminder how easy and effortless the Creator makes it all look and how everything fits together for each animal in their specific natural environment)

Seahorses – designed for God’s glory. Listen as Craig Hawkins, a seahorse breeder from Australia, talk about seahorses as being the ultimate in God’s design. He compares photos of live seahorses and their rarely found fossils, which show very clearly that they are, and have always been… (wait for it)… seahorses.







Seahorse – colouring  (bysherylmarie; scroll down to the end of the page; pdf) a beautiful underwater scene with a seahorse, oyster shell, fish, starfish, coral and seagrass; free printable

Seahorses – colouring  (samanthasbell) two seahorses facing each other with seagrass background; free printable

Seahorses | Leafy Seadragons – colouring pages  (supercoloring; scroll down) various to choose from; free printable

Seahorses – colouring | alternative link  (Dover sample) with tails curled around plants

Seahorses – colouring  (Dover sample) floating underwater with seagrass, fish and shells

Seahorses – colouring  (Dover sample) hiding in the coral

Seahorse – colouring  (Dover sample) collage of seahorses and seashells

Seahorse – colouring  (coloringcafe) with simple background of one shell and some bubbles; free printable

Seahorse – colouring  (artprojectsforkids) free printable

Seahorses – colouring  (firstpalette) add your own background; free printable

Seahorse – colouring  (museprintables); Seahorse – colouring swimming around a clam on a coral reef; free printable

Seahorse – colour by number  (1plus1plus1equals1; scroll down) free printable

Seahorse – word art colouring  (Dover sample) words making up a picture of a seahorse with a swirly border

Seahorse – colouring pages  (duckduckgo)

Jazz up your colouring (and puzzle) pages  shrink or combine pages to make a new scene; add a border, a title, a Bible verse and some clip art to make your colouring pages more interesting with this easy tutorial.





GOD OF WONDERS DVD   Ocean creatures are engineering marvels and compelling evidence for an an incredible Creator. Visually stunning and presented by PhD scientists full of awe as they explore our Creator’s handiwork and what it reveals about His character, power, wisdom, majesty and care. Take a two minute holiday and watch these Biblical scientists giving glory to God. The whole documentary is fabulous, but in this short segment, they discuss the incredible creatures of the sea.






Ocean in His hands – Isaiah 40:12  (ateachingmommy) Who else has held the ocean in His hands? Bible memory verse puzzle, Bible memory verse card, colours; handwriting practice to help your child memorise the Bible verse and cool devotional to figure out how big God is: Who else has held the ocean in His hands? We know that the ocean is VERY big, isn’t it. It holds more water than this bucket, than this cup, and even this pool (or bath tub). Our memory verse this week talks about the oceans; free printable

Under the Girly Sea – printables  (plus1plus1equals1) for younger children – easy puzzles, counting, handwriting, learn to draw and other activities; your little girl will love the sweet apricot and pink seahorse (even bigger girls might like some stationery with these super cute graphics on them); free printable

Seahorse – puzzles and activities  (thoughtco; scroll down) word search (9 words); fill in the blank puzzle from a word bank (9 words); crossword from a word bank (9 words); multiple choice (9 questions); put the 9 words in alphabetical order; reading comprehension (4 questions); write a story; free printable

Seahorse – hidden picture puzzle  (woojr) free printable

Seahorse – dot to dot  (dottodots) numbers 1-101; free printable

Seahorse – dot to dot  (busybeekids) numbers 1-46; free printable

Seahorse – maze  (printablemazes) 10 animal themed mazes; number 10 in the pdf is a seahorse; free printable

Seahorse – writing template  (museprintables) free printable

Design your own puzzles  specifically tailored to suit your child using the articles or information above to make up your questions and answers giving glory to God as designer.






Watch Mr Seahorse giving birth to 2000 live babies… in 30 seconds!  :o






Ocean – diorama  (firstpalette) create a fun ocean or coral reef scene in a shoebox and fill it with Seahorse – templates and other Sea creatures – templates – dolphins, coral reef fish, starfish, crab, octopus, jellyfish, sharks, whales, sea turtles; or to cut out and use for crafts; in colour or to colour; free printable

Seahorse – paper strips  (partyplanningcenter) paper napkin rings that also make cute little seahorse strips to cut out and use for crafts; 4 per page; free printable

Seahorse – 3D paper craft  (canon) two seahorses in an aquarium; free printable

Seahorse – paper craft for kids  (mamalikesthis) free printable

Seahorse – paper craft for kids  (craftplaylearn; scroll down to download the template) free printable

Seahorse – paper craft for kids  (thecraftyclassroom) free printable

Seahorse – paper weave craft  (theinspirationedit; scroll down to download the template) free printable

Seahorse – suncatcher craft for kids  (tippytoecrafts) using tiny mosaics of tissue paper

Seahorse – face mask  (supercoloring) in colour or to colour; free printable

Tiny Seahorses – scrapbooking paper  (meinlilapark) black seahorses on white background with tiny bubbles; Seahorse – tags | borders to cut out and use for crafts; free printable

Seahorse and Friends – memory game  (mondedestitounis; scroll down to ‘Les cartes à imprimer’) for younger children with French labels that could be used as a memory game or write your own Bible verses on them and make your own Bible wallet cards; free printable

Seahorse – paper crafts | Ocean – diorama ideas  (duckduckgo)

Seahorse – craft  (liagriffiths) cute felt ‘stuffies’ that could be adapted for paper; template available for members only

  • Templates

Seahorse – template  (creazilla); Seahorse – template; Seahorse – template; Seahorse – template; various templates to cut out and use for crafts; choice of 11 colours; free printable

Seahorse – template  (supercoloring) to cut out and use for crafts; in colour or to colour; free printable

Seahorse – template  (clipartbest) to cut out and use for crafts; free printable

Seahorse – template  (learncreatelove) to use for crafts; free printable

Seahorse – template  (firstpalette) free printable

Seahorse – template  (patternuniverse)

Seahorse – silhouette template  (silhouettegarden) free printable






Pygmy Seahorse – learn to draw  (drawingtutorials); Seahorse – learn to draw; free printable

Seahorse – learn to draw  (design.tutsplus) realistic, step-by-step

Seahorse – learn to draw  (cool2bkids) starting off with three ovals; free printable

Seahorse – learn to draw  (thedrawbot) simple step-by-step

Seahorse – learn to draw  (drawinghowtodraw) step by step; free printable

Seahorse – learn to draw  (easydrawingguides) step-by-step

Seahorse – learn to draw  (artprojectsforkids) free printable

Seahorse – learn to draw  (supercoloring) starting off with ovals; Seahorse – learn to draw

Seahorse – learn to draw  (drawingnow) video tutorial

Seahorse – learn to draw  (artforkidshub) video tutorial






Seahorse – photo frame  (photofuneditor) soft grey blue frame with a brown outline of a seahorse and soft wash background; Seahorse – photo frame with beach, coral reef fish, seashells; free printable






Weedy Sea Dragon – FREE Bible Poster  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 – Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Psalm 135:5–6 – For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas and all deep places. Print on A4 photo paper and laminate for best results. If you prefer a postcard size, simply print on normal 4×6 photo paper and fit to page. If you write to your sponsored child online, these posters can also be uploaded as a normal photo; free printable

Weedy Sea Dragon - Bible Poster by Paper Gifts for Estefany with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 - Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Psalm 135:5–6 - For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas and all deep places; free printable

Leafy Sea Dragon – FREE Bible Poster  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 – Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Revelation 4:11 – You are worthy, our Lord, to receive glory and honour and power, for you have created all things; and for Your pleasure they have life and were created; free printable (aren’t these little guys amazing…?!)

Leafy Sea Dragon - Bible Poster by Paper Gifts for Estefany with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 - Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Revelation 4:11 - You are worthy, our Lord, to receive glory and honour and power, for you have created all things; and for Your pleasure they have life and were created; free printable

Seahorse – FREE Bible Poster  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 – Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Nehemiah 9:6 – You, even You, are LORD alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas and all that is therein, and You preserve them all; free printable

Seahorse - Bible Poster by Paper Gifts for Estefany with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 - Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Nehemiah 9:6 - You, even You, are LORD alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas and all that is therein, and You preserve them all; free printable

Seahorse – FREE Bible Poster  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 – Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Psalm 33:18 – The Lord watches over those who obey Him, those who trust in His constant love; free printable

Seahorse - Bible Poster by Paper Gifts for Estefany with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 - Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Psalm 33:18 - The Lord watches over those who obey Him, those who trust in His constant love; free printable

Seahorse – FREE Bible Poster  (Paper Gifts for Estefany) with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 – Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Psalm 69:34 – Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas, and everything that moves therein; free printable

Seahorse - Bible Poster by Paper Gifts for Estefany with Bible verses from Isaiah 40:12 - Who else has held the oceans in His hand; and Psalm 69:34 - Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas, and everything that moves therein; free printable

Seahorse – bookmark  (bookmarkbee) an adorable seahorse bookmark (and other ocean critters) in lovely colours; add a note of encouragement and a Bible verse on the back; free printable

Seahorse – shaped bookmark  (wewilsons; scroll down) add a Bible verse or note of encouragement on the back; free printable

Seahorse – notepaper  (graphicgarden; scroll down to ‘seasonal’ – ‘under the sea’) seahorse on coral reef with wavy blue border; 2 per page; lined or blank; Seahorse – to do list 3 per page; Seahorse – labels add some favourite Bible verses and make your own wallet cards; Seahorse – recipe cards; Seahorse – scrapbook tags to use for crafts; free printable

Seahorse – labels / name tags  (nametagjungle) seahorse and shell drawings on monochromatic floral pattern borders; add a favourite Bible verse and make your own Bible wallet cards; free printable






Seahorse | Seahorse / Seadragon | Weedy Seadragon | Leafy Seadragon | Ribboned Seadragon | Pipehorse | Pipefish | Pygmy Seahorse  see the brilliant camouflage the Creator has given these cute little guys | Seahorse – clip art






Found a seahorse family image that your child will love? Add a favourite Bible verse and make your own:






Seahorse – stationery  (stationerytree) a beautiful shimmering water border with seahorse graphics in two corners; blank, lined or handwriting; free version

Seahorse – greeting card  (greetingsisland) seahorse on a coral reef with fully editable text; 2 colours to choose from; add photos or stickers if you wish; free printable

Seahorse – stationery | envelope  (graphicgarden; scroll down to ‘seasonal’ – ‘under the sea’) seahorse on coral reef with wavy blue border; lined or blank; free printable

Seahorse – stationery  (freeletterheadtemplates) an orange seahorse and seashells on beige background; free printable

Seahorse – stationery  (sparklebox) orange and blue colours; portrait or landscape; free printable

Seahorse – stationery  ( white silhouette seashorses on dark blue border; free printable

Seahorse and Friends – stationery  ( ocean border with seahorse, octopus, whale, shark, turtle, crab, tropical fish, starfish on a blue and white border; free versions are fine

Seahorse – lined stationery  (thoughtco; scroll down to ‘seahorse theme paper’) a small seahorse hides among seaweed; free printable







Coral Reef

FREE Coral Reef poster with Bible verse from Deuteronomy 32:3-4; bright pink, lime, white background; free printable


PGFE Ocean Bible Poster-Dolphin with Bible verse from Isaiah 40:12-who else has held the oceans in His hand-and Job 12:7-10- birds and animals have much to teach you; free printable


FREE printable Turtle Poster with Bible Verse

Creation Day 5

Let there be sea creatures and flying creatures - Creation Day 5 free printable Bible poster for kids






And when you write to your sponsored child, don’t forget to tell them who designed these fascinating little creatures…

Tell them about Jesus!



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6 thoughts on “Seahorses & Seadragons ~ Links

  1. Pingback: Whale ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  2. Pingback: Penguin ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  3. Pingback: Creation Day 5 ~ Sea Creatures, Flying Creatures ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  4. Pingback: Turtle ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  5. Pingback: DIY Activity Book for Kids (or adults) | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  6. Pingback: Dolphin ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

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