Devotionals ~ Links


Not sure what to send to your sponsored child? How about a devotional to inspire and encourage them to live Godly lives, following in the footsteps of Jesus. Send a whole page or just include a snippet. Make it a little more personal by including a few words of why you chose it for them or how it has impacted you. Here are some cool ideas to get you started…





My Utmost for His Highest  by Oswald Chambers. This daily devotional is for anyone who is serious about following Jesus. It’s excellent, challenging, and thought provoking for older children and adults. It always reminds me (with a smile) of the part of the Bayeux Tapestry where Bishop Odo supposedly ‘comforts’ the reluctant troops… with a big stick! (‘Bishop Odo, holding a stick, confortant the boys’.) My own mentor, who lived to the grand old age of 94 before heading off to party in Heaven, used to read her Bible along with ‘My Utmost for His Highest’ every day. She was the most Godly person I’ve ever known.

Streams in the Desert  by Mrs LB Cowman/Mrs Charles E. Cowman. This daily devotional is excellent for older children and adults. A comforting, gentle arm around the shoulder for tough times. This is another classic my beloved mentor used – and that is how she treated others. The cattle prod for herself. The comforting arm for others… wow, I still miss her!  ;(

Father’s Love Letter  a selection of free printable beautiful Bible verses written as a personal and intimate love letter from God to you, and available in 125+ different languages. This beautiful letter is available in various formats that are suitable for all ages, including:

King’s Highway  include an encouraging snippet of Godly inspiration and insight from Nancy Missler. If you or your child are going through a rough time, you will find comfort and wisdom here.

Blue Letter Bible  daily devotionals for older children and adults; Daily Promises Bible verse of the day, with a devotional thought; Read through the Bible in a year; Morning and Evening by Spurgeon; Day By Day By Grace from Bob Hoekstra

Morning and Evening  (youdevotion) Spurgeon; Faith’s Checkbook Spurgeon; Our Daily Walk F.B. Meyer; more daily devotionals

Streams in the Desert  (backtotheBible; scroll down and click on ‘part 1’); Morning and Evening Spurgeon daily devotionals

Standing Strong through the Storm  (Open Doors) fabulous and inspiring devotionals from the courage and bravery of the persecuted church.

Days of Praise  ( daily devotionals for older children and adults

Tozer and A.B. Simpson daily devotionals

Answers in Genesis  devotionals for kids with Bible verses to read, and worksheets where kids can fill in their answers; free printable

Answers in Genesis  devotionals for older children or adults reinforcing the Biblical authority of God’s word

FCA Resources  devotionals by -and for- Christian athletes about building great character qualities like courage, integrity, and perseverance, etc.

Word4today  Bob Gass daily devotional for teens; Word for you today  Bob Gass daily devotional for older children / adults

God is Real  devotional  devotions for kids








Keys for kids  daily devotionals with key Bible verses

Truth for kids  daily devotionals for children 8-12 years; 5-8 years

Bible snack packs  Grab a snack from the Bible. God has many exciting things for us to discover in His Word and in His amazing world. Devotions and activities for younger children (toddler – primary school)

Superbook  has a 30 day devotional with a Bible verse, a lesson to learn, fun activities like a word search and matching puzzles, and a prayer; free printable

Adventure Bible  devotionals; free printable

Bibledrivethru  daily devotions for 8-12 year olds







A ton of Bible verses for our kids  choose a couple of Bible verses or print off a whole page for your child; free printable

A Ton of Bible Verses; free printable list

The Father’s Love Letter  A beautiful and intimate letter from God to your child comprising a beautiful selection of Bible verses; available in 125 languages and formats for all ages including: English; Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Swahili, Amharic, Indonesian, Tagalog; Thai; and check out the fabulous ‘Best Dad ever’ cartoon in English or Spanish. Also available as a devotional.

FathersLoveLetterSpanish FathersLoveLetter

Bible Study  share a snippet with your child; or find a Bible verse of the day

Bible with lots of markings

Apologetics  share a snippet with your child; protect your child’s faith and answer their questions even before they know they have questions


Reasons why the Bible can be trusted  ( written by a scientist with a PhD in organic chemistry; some resources also available in Portuguese; Chinese and Indonesian. Include a couple of quick facts in your letters to build your child’s faith.






Tell them about Jesus!



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6 thoughts on “Devotionals ~ Links

  1. Pingback: Psalm 23 / Good Shepherd ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  2. Pingback: Apologetics ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  3. Pingback: Let’s skip language classes… but we can still read the Bible in the original Hebrew and Greek [FREE Bible Software + FREE Colouring Page] | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  4. Pingback: Father’s Love Letter (108 languages) | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  5. Pingback: Older Boys! | Paper Gifts for Estefany

  6. Pingback: Bible Study ~ Links | Paper Gifts for Estefany

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